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The Role of Randomness: Exploring RNG in League of Legends

RNG and Variance in League of Legends

Last week, Riot Games released a video on their editorial website, Nexus, giving hints about the role of randomness (RNG) in the future of League of Legends. The video discusses the nature of variance and its impact on the game, and also shares what the developers have learned from past experiences with variance. Based on this information, we can anticipate some changes for the game going forward.

Understanding Variance in League of Legends

The video explains two types of variance: input and output. Input variance, also known as adaptation RNG, is about randomly deciding elements of the game that force players to adapt their strategies. Examples of input variance in League of Legends include the Elemental dragons, jungle plants, and Kindred’s passive. On the other hand, output variance, which is characterized by randomness in outcomes, like critical strikes, has been a cause of frustration for players.

Changes in Output Variance

Riot Games acknowledges that output variance does not work well in League of Legends. While output variance can be fun and challenging in other games, it often leads to frustration in a strategy game like League. Although the critical strike system is the main remaining output variance in the game, Riot has considered removing it in the past. However, there are difficulties associated with removing this system due to champions like Jhin and Yasuo having crit chance ingrained in their kits.

The Future of League of Legends

While it is unclear what specific changes await League of Legends, it is safe to assume that input variance will play a bigger role in the game. Input variance adds excitement and unpredictability to gameplay while relying on players’ decision-making skills. Riot may introduce more elements of input variance, such as rotating jungle camps, themed abilities for jungle monsters, or even random variations in minion waves.

League of Legends, RNG, Variance, Randomness, Output Variance, Input Variance, Elemental Dragons, Jungle Plants, Critical Strikes, Adaptation RNG, Strategy Game