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The Result of League’s 2023 Preseason Examines Victors and Underdogs

The 2023 Preseason: What You Need to Know

The long-anticipated 2023 preseason for League of Legends has finally arrived on the live servers as of November 16th. This preseason brings significant changes to various aspects of the game, including the jungle, gold and experience, and tank/bruiser items. It also reintroduces the Chemtech Drake and Soul. With so many changes, it’s important to understand the impact they will have on the upcoming season 13.

The Roles Shaping the Meta

As the meta is still shaping up, it’s difficult to determine the clear winners and losers of the preseason patch. However, it’s evident that tanks and bruisers will play a crucial role in the upcoming meta due to the introduction of new items for them. Additionally, battle and DPS mages may rise in relevance with the return of Rod of Ages. The only potential losers in this patch are bot laners, who will now receive even less experience compared to solo laners and junglers.

Preseason Changes and What to Expect

Let’s take a closer look at the preseason changes and how they might shape the meta:

Winners of the 2023 Preseason

Top laners are likely to have a bigger impact in games moving forward. Minions now grant 2.15 percent more experience to solo laners, while mid lane minions grant one less gold up to minute 14. Turret platings also provide more gold. Tanks and bruisers, who spend most of their time in the top lane, have access to new items such as Heartsteel, Radiant Virtue, and Jak’Sho, the Protean.

Junglers have also benefited from the new patch, with various changes to the jungle. Jungle companions now heal and provide damage to the jungler’s targets, growing stronger throughout the game. The role of jungler has become more accessible with lease range indicators, reduced monster resets, and recommended pathing displayed on the mini-map.

Battle mages, including Anivia, Ryze, Kassadin, Swain, and Aurelion Sol, are expected to see increased play due to the new and improved Rod of Ages.

Losers of the 2023 Preseason

Bot laners, both AD carries and supports, are the unfortunate losers of this patch. While solo laners and junglers received experience and gold changes, bot laners received no significant changes. This discrepancy may lead to more frequent bot ganks and four-man dives, shifting the game in favor of the opposing team. ADCs, in particular, may struggle as they only received the revamped Navori Quickblades, which may not be optimal for most ADC champions.

2023 preseason, League of Legends, meta, changes, tank/bruiser items, Chemtech Drake, Chemtech Soul, top laners, junglers, battle mages, bot laners, AD carries, supports, experience, gold