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The recent Patch 8.13 brings a game-changing nerf to Guinsoo’s

Changes to Guinsoo’s Rageblade Nerfs Kai’Sa and Other Champions

The current bot lane meta has not been favorable for traditional marksman-type champions. Champions like Yasuo, Vladimir, and Heimerdinger have dominated the bot lane, leaving only a few marksmen who can compete. Kai’Sa is one of those marksmen, but she will be significantly weaker after the recent nerfs to Guinsoo’s Rageblade. Other champions that will be affected by this nerf include Kayle, Master Yi, pre-update Aatrox, and Varus. However, Kai’Sa, being the most popular marksman in pro play, will feel the impact the most.

The nerf to Guinsoo’s Rageblade significantly reduces the item’s scaling AP and AD. Previously, each basic attack stack would increase AP and AD by four percent, capping at six stacks and 24 percent each. After the nerf, it will give only 2.5 percent of each, capping at 15 percent. This is a substantial reduction in power.

To understand the impact of this nerf, let’s take a look at Kai’Sa’s most popular build in North America. At level 18 with the Rageblade, Nashor’s Tooth, Deathcap, Hourglass, and Void Staff, Kai’Sa has around 530 AP. With max stacks of Guinsoo’s, her AP increases to around 620. However, it seems that the Guinsoo’s Rageblade stacks do not consider the adaptive AP from runes when boosting. Without adaptive AP and accounting for the nerf, her AP would cap out at around 563, which is almost 60 less than her previous potential. This is a significant decrease in AP and overall power.

While the functionality of Guinsoo’s Rage remains the same for Kai’Sa, allowing her to apply two stacks of her passive with every other attack, her raw power outside of that will be significantly diminished. As a result, Kai’Sa may consider switching to a different starting item, such as Blade of the Ruined King or rushing Nashor’s and opting for other high AP items like Lich Bane.

It is unlikely that Kai’Sa will be completely overshadowed in the meta, but there is a small chance. If that happens, the pool of marksmen in the bot lane will be even more limited in Patch 8.13 than before.

Guinsoo’s Rageblade, nerfs, Kai’Sa, marksmen, bot lane meta