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The Reason Why Riot Doesn’t Permaban Feeders and Trolls in LoL Is Finally Revealed

Why Riot Games Isn’t Doing More to Combat Toxic Behavior in League of Legends

In the world of League of Legends, feeding and trolling have become all too common. Players often find themselves faced with this behavior and wonder why Riot Games hasn’t taken stronger action against it. Well, the answer is finally here.

A player recently made a post on the League subreddit, suggesting that feeding and trolling should result in permanent bans. And another player perfectly highlighted the main issue that developers face when trying to punish toxic players:

“The problem isn’t the severity of the behavior, it’s detecting it. It’s difficult to create a system that can identify this behavior without mistakenly banning innocent players,” they explained.

In response, Riot Haunted Fork commented on the post and confirmed that this is the biggest challenge developers encounter. They also agreed that feeding and trolling should indeed result in permabans.

If you’re not familiar with these terms, let me break it down for you. Feeding refers to giving the enemy team an advantage, usually by dying intentionally. On the other hand, trolling encompasses various behaviors that intentionally hinder your own team, such as refusing to participate in fights, stealing farm, or ignoring ganks and skirmishes out of frustration.

Fortunately, Riot Games is implementing stricter measures to address trolling and griefing. Offenders will be temporarily barred from ranked queues for five games, forcing them to regain Riot’s trust before returning to Summoner’s Rift.

While these changes should have a positive impact on the game, the truth is that League of Legends will still struggle to provide a truly healthy gaming environment until Riot finds a definitive solution to combat toxic behavior.

Riot Games, League of Legends, toxic behavior, feeding, trolling, permaban, ranked queues