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The problem of Ezreal in the NA LCS

Ezreal’s Popularity in Professional Play: Stats and Analysis

Ezreal, the versatile ADC, is currently thriving in the meta. Despite the bot lane chaos in this split, which negatively impacted other champions, Ezreal’s safe laning phase and formidable late game power have allowed him to stand strong.

Globally, Ezreal has had a solid 44 percent presence (pick and ban rate combined) in professional play until mid-August, according to League stats site, Games of Legends. Recently, he has consistently ranked in the top three in bot lane presence. Additionally, his win rate of 45 percent further showcases his strength.

However, there’s an interesting anomaly in the NA region. Unlike other regions where Ezreal performs well, his win-rate in NA is a dismal 24 percent. This raises the question—what’s going wrong in NA?

Ezreal’s Strengths and DPM Disparity in NA

To understand this discrepancy, we need to recognize Ezreal’s strengths. He excels in late-game damage per second (DPS). Across EU LCS, LCK, and LPL, he consistently ranks among the highest damage-dealing bot lane champions, averaging 644/664/687 DPM respectively.

However, in NA, his DPM drops to only 581 this split. The issue lies in how NA teams play Ezreal. The champion thrives in prolonged objective fights where he can stay safe while dealing damage from a distance. His E ability allows him to shift forward and eliminate enemies when the timing is right.

Unfortunately, NA teams prefer all-in fights and often engage prematurely, leaving Ezreal on the outside, unable to contribute significant damage. This lack of coordination and understanding of Ezreal’s playstyle explains his weak performance in NA compared to other regions.

A Tale of Two ADCs: Ezreal versus Lucian

Lucian, on the other hand, perfectly fits NA’s aggressive playstyle. He excels at quickly engaging and expending all his abilities, resulting in a high win rate of 66 percent. It’s a clear contrast between Ezreal’s patient poking and Lucian’s all-in approach.

If your favorite NA LCS team picks Ezreal, rooting for them to focus on stalling and playing around Ezreal’s late-game damage might be worthwhile. However, considering the likelihood of a loss due to the region’s approach, it may not make a significant difference.

Overall, Ezreal’s popularity in professional play is a testament to his unique strengths. Understanding the regional disparities in his performance sheds light on the importance of proper coordination and playstyle adaptation.

Statistics via Games of Legends

Ezreal, ADC, professional play, win-rate, DPM, regional disparities, coordination, playstyle adaptation