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The Present Status of Hypocrisy in the LoL Community

Soloq Struggles: Teammates or Self-Improvement?

The League of Legends community is filled with enthusiasts who are dedicated to climbing the soloq ladder and winning more games. However, not everyone is successful in reaching their desired rank as quickly as they would like. This has sparked a debate on whether the struggle in soloq is caused by teammates or if it is due to individual improvement.

The Teammate Argument

Some people believe that the key to climbing in soloq is solely focusing on individual improvement as a player. On the other hand, there is a group that believes in the existence of “ELO hell,” where even if you perform better than average in your MMR bracket, luck plays a significant role in determining whether you can climb or not. Both sides have valid arguments, and it’s worth evaluating each approach.

The Importance of Teammates

It is true that in a team game like League of Legends, your performance is dependent on the performance of your teammates, especially during the early game when you can’t be everywhere on the map. If your team is performing poorly, it becomes challenging to win the game, no matter how well you play. Even top players like Faker would struggle in situations where their team is significantly behind and the enemy has a strong advantage. However, these unwinnable games are not the norm, and with enough development and effort, players can still climb consistently.

Focusing on Self-Improvement

While teammates play a role, it is essential to focus on your own gameplay if you want to climb in soloq. One tip often mentioned is to “stay in your three-foot world,” which means focusing on the things you can control. By concentrating on improving your own skills and making better decisions, you can have a more significant impact on the game and increase your chances of winning.

The Importance of Personal Accountability

There are players who stick to the self-improvement approach but still struggle to climb after hundreds of games. In these cases, it’s crucial to ask why they haven’t been able to address their mistakes and improve on their own. Often, players tend to give themselves leeway and ignore their shortcomings, which hinders their ability to climb. By asking the right questions and being self-honest, players can eventually find the answers they need to improve.

Overall, the key to climbing in soloq lies in finding a balance between recognizing the impact of teammates and focusing on personal improvement. It’s important to hold yourself accountable for your performance and make a genuine effort to address your weaknesses. By doing so, you can contribute to building a better community and increase your chances of climbing the ladder.

Related keywords: League of Legends, soloq struggles, climbing the ladder, teammates, self-improvement, ELO hell, personal accountability