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The power of the Summon Aery rune is being reduced in the upcoming patch

Summon Aery to be nerfed in next patch

The new rune system, Runes Reforged, has been live for a week now and players are starting to determine which runes are the best. One rune that has been dominating the Sorcery rune path is Summon Aery. However, according to the latest PBE update, Summon Aery will be receiving a nerf in the next patch.

Summon Aery is a versatile rune that deals bonus damage to enemies and enhances shields on allies. It has become so popular among mages that they are choosing Summon Aery over other runes like Arcane Comet, despite Arcane Comet being specifically designed to synergize with their abilities.

Even damage dealers like Jhin and Pantheon are opting for Summon Aery because of its effectiveness in harassing opponents during the laning phase. This has made it one of the most popular runes in the game. Rather than buffing other runes to make them more appealing, Riot has decided to nerf Summon Aery instead.

Currently, Summon Aery deals 20 damage per tick to enemies, scaling up to 60 as the player levels up. After the nerf, it will start at 15 damage and scale up to 40, significantly reducing its damage output at each level.

While Summon Aery’s effectiveness on enchanting supports like Janna and Lulu will remain unchanged, damage dealers will find it considerably weaker and will therefore choose it less often for their rune builds.

If the nerf passes the PBE testing, it is expected to be implemented in next week’s patch.

Related keywords: Runes Reforged, Summon Aery, Sorcery rune path, Arcane Comet, mages, damage dealers, laning phase, PBE update, next patch, Riot, nerf, game