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The potential resurgence of Swain, Kassadin, and other battle mages in League Patch 13.1

The Impact of League of Legends Patch 13.1 on Battle Mages

League of Legends patches aim to balance the game and bring struggling champions, items, and runes back into the meta. The latest patch, 13.1, focuses on fine-tuning tank and mage items, specifically battle mage items. These changes are expected to have a significant impact on the meta at the beginning of the season.

The Rise of Battle Mages

In recent years, mages have been overshadowed by assassins and bruisers in the meta. This is primarily due to the lack of equivalent items that offer durability and sustain. Battle mages like Sylas, Ryze, Swain, and others have struggled to compete. Despite attempts to diversify the meta with changes to items like Rod of Ages, battle mages still fell short compared to bruisers and tanks.

Patch 13.1 introduces buffs to battle mage items, such as Rod of Ages and Seraph’s Embrace. Rod of Ages will have increased health and movement speed, while Seraph’s Embrace will provide a shield, more ability power, and ability haste.

These buffs will make battle mages harder to catch, more durable, and increase their overall damage output.

The Impact on Other Champions

The rise of battle mages in the meta will require AD champions to build items with Grievous Wounds, like Mortal Reminder. Additionally, items that deal a percentage of the target’s current health, such as Blade of the Ruined King, may see increased demand.

Tanks, bruisers, and assassins that engage battle mages may prioritize items that slow, like Serylda’s Grudge and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, to create distance and counter their lethal abilities.

As a result of battle mages’ prominence, champions of all classes might shift towards building magic resist. This means increased use of items like Wit’s End, Maw of Malmortius, and Spirit Visage.

Mages, not just battle mages, will need to adjust their builds to include magic penetration. This makes Void Staff a crucial item for dealing damage.

The resurgence of battle mages in the mid lane may also see an increase in bruiser picks like Irelia, Aatrox, and Riven. These champions have similar sustain, damage output, and pushing potential to keep up with battle mages.

Lastly, the dominance of battle mages in the mid lane could lead to more versatile jungle and top lane picks. Carry champions like Kayle, Tryndamere, and Evelynn, who rely on a strong frontline, may become more prominent due to battle mages’ ability to provide some crowd control and frontline presence.

Overall, Patch 13.1’s changes to battle mage items are expected to significantly impact the meta, requiring adjustments from all classes in the game.

keywords: League of Legends, battle mages, meta, patch 13.1, item changes, champions, AD champions, tanks, bruisers, assassins, magic resist, mages, mid lane, jungle, top lane, carry champions.