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The Nightmare-Inducing Rework of Fiddlesticks

Riot Games Transforms Fiddlesticks into the Most Terrifying Champion in League of Legends

Riot Games recently revealed their terrifying vision for the updated Fiddlesticks champion in League of Legends. In their latest dev blog, they showcased the incredible efforts of the art team to achieve this horrifying transformation.

The previous version of Fiddlesticks, known for its quirky and bouncy demeanor, is now deceased. What remains is a monstrous creature with mismatched limbs, ropes, and two sets of razor-sharp teeth. While the concept art alone is enough to evoke some late-night trauma, it is in the animations where its true terror comes to life.

During the walking animation, Fiddlesticks’ longer arm drags and scrapes the ground behind it as it limps across the Rift. Riot describes it as resembling the horror movie scene where the enemy drags a bloody weapon towards the main character.

Additionally, the movement of Fiddlesticks’ head rigging is unnaturally unsettling, with its jaw swiveling as if it were broken. The creature’s voice is a crude imitation of its unfortunate victims. These are just a few examples of the bone-chilling details Riot has incorporated into the update.

In Fiddlesticks’ running animation, it becomes even more horrifying. The dev blog reveals that Fiddlesticks lacks a brain and instead, houses a demon within its chest. The demon remains unseen until it’s eager to hunt, at which point two arms emerge from Fiddlesticks’ chest, and it runs on all six limbs. Its head loses control, flapping around, while a black tongue shoots out of its mouth.

Fiddlesticks’ ultimate animation showcases the emergence of the demon once again. As Fiddlesticks charges the Crowstorm, shadowy tentacles propel it forward into a flurry of black mist and wings. Throughout the ultimate, Fiddlesticks continues to move on six limbs.

The League community has responded exactly as Riot intended, expressing their fear and fascination with Fiddlesticks’ new appearance. A thread on Reddit discussing the update is flooded with comments emphasizing the terror that Fiddlesticks evokes, while also praising the level of execution and attention to detail in the VGU.

Although Riot has not announced a final release date for the updated Fiddlesticks champion, fans eagerly await its arrival on the Rift. This monstrous champion is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Riot Games, Fiddlesticks, League of Legends, update, champion, terrifying, terror, horror, dev blog, animations, VGU