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The Kit of Nunu and Willump is Revealed, and They Are Incredibly Entertaining

Nunu and Willump’s abilities have been revealed and they seem really fun to play. Unlike other champion duos, they truly feel like a team and their abilities highlight their teamwork.

Here are the abilities and base skin splash art for Nunu and Willump:


Image via Riot Games

Passive: Call of the Freljord

Nunu and Willump’s revamped passive ability allows them to potentially be played as a support champion in addition to a jungler. When they attack an enemy champion, large monster, or structure, the passive activates, increasing Willump’s attack speed and that of a nearby ally with the most attack speed. Willump’s basic attacks also deal area-of-effect damage when the passive is active.

This attack speed boost allows Nunu and Willump to always have a boost in teamfights and when pushing. If they are played as supports, they can be quite deadly in all-ins.

Q: Consume

Consume is Nunu and Willump’s key spell. It still deals true damage to monsters and minions, healing them in the process. The cast time is shorter now and the spell heals for more when their health is low.

They can now also use Consume on enemy champions, dealing magic damage. This makes them potentially viable as solo laners.

W: Biggest Snowball Ever!

This ability is the most fun in their kit. Willump rolls a massive snowball that grows bigger as it is pushed. When it hits an enemy champion, a wall, or a large monster, it explodes and knocks up nearby enemies.

The snowball can also be sent flying in a straight line by reactivating the ability, knocking up minions and enemy champions in its path. The longer the snowball travels, the more damage it does and the longer the knockup lasts.

E: Snowball Barrage

Nunu fires a barrage of snowballs, slowing and applying Snowbound to enemies hit. Up to three volleys can be fired at once, and when the ability ends, Snowbound enemies near Nunu and Willump are rooted.

R: Absolute Zero

This ability remains the same as before. Nunu and Willump deal damage in a large area over time. They also gain a shield while channeling the ability. The slow and damage of the ultimate increase the longer it is channeled.

Nunu, Willump, abilities, splash art, passive, Consume, Biggest Snowball Ever!, Snowball Barrage, Absolute Zero