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The Ideal Jungle Path for High Elo Nocturne in Season 12

Season 12 has brought significant changes to the Jungle meta in League of Legends. One champion that has benefited greatly from these changes is Nocturne, especially with the introduction of the new Assassin item, Axiom Arc. With Axiom Arc and the addition of more rune options such as Lethal Tempo, Nocturne has returned to his roots as a terrifying Assassin in the Jungle.

Here is a breakdown of the best Nocturne Jungle path, along with tips, tricks, and gameplay tactics to dominate your opponents.

Summoner Spells

Nocturne relies heavily on his ultimate ability, Paranoia, for mobility. This means that Flash + Smite is the recommended Summoner Spell combination for Nocturne. There isn’t much room for interpretation when it comes to his spell choices.

Best Runes for Nocturne

Previously, Nocturne was commonly played with Hail of Blades, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter. However, with the recent changes to Lethal Tempo, many players are now opting for this keystone and running Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Coup de Grace as secondary runes. These rune choices provide Nocturne with the necessary damage and attack speed to excel as an Assassin in the Jungle.

Best Items for Nocturne

The recommended starting items for Nocturne are the Emberknife and Refillable Potion. For mythical items, Duskblade of Draktharr is the preferred choice for its invisibility effect, which provides an additional escape mechanism for Nocturne. Other core items for Nocturne include defensive boots, Axiom Arc, Edge of Night, and Serylda’s Grudge. Depending on the game, additional finishing options such as Sterak’s Gage, Death’s Dance, and Guardian Angel can be considered.

Skill Order

When leveling up Nocturne’s abilities, the recommended order is Q (Duskbringer) first, followed by E (Shroud of Darkness), W (Unspeakable Horror), and prioritizing R (Paranoia) whenever possible. Nocturne’s Q ability provides much-needed movement speed and additional damage, making it crucial for trades with enemies.

The Best Jungle Paths for Nocturne

The optimal Jungle path for Nocturne will vary depending on specific game conditions, such as laner assistance and counter-jungling opportunities. However, here are some general guidelines:

  • Red Side, Red Clear: Start at Red Buff with the help of your top laner, clear Krugs, Raptors, Wolves, Blue Buff, Gromp, and secure the Scuttler. Look for gank opportunities in mid or bot lane if they are pushed in your favor.
  • Red Side, Blue Clear: Start at Blue Buff with the help of your bot laners, clear Gromp, Wolves, Raptors, Red Buff, Krugs, and secure the Scuttler. Look for gank opportunities in top or mid lane if they are vulnerable.
  • Blue Side, Red Clear: Start at Red Buff, clear Krugs, Raptors, Wolves, Blue Buff, Gromp, and secure the Scuttler. Look for gank opportunities based on laner assistance and enemy positioning.
  • Blue Side, Blue Clear: Start at Blue Buff, clear Gromp, Wolves, Raptors, Red Buff, Krugs, and secure the Scuttler. Look for gank opportunities based on laner assistance and enemy positioning.

Tips and Tricks for Nocturne

  • Focus on ganking and pressuring enemy hyper-carries to put them behind.
  • Time your W (Shroud of Darkness) properly to block enemy hard crowd control abilities.
  • Drop wards in the enemy Jungle to gain vision and catch enemies off guard.
  • Use your ultimate, Paranoia, not only for damage but also to cut the enemy team’s vision. Use it strategically for utility, such as when taking Dragon or Baron.
  • Practice landing your E (Unspeakable Horror) fear by using Q (Duskbringer) for the movement speed bonus or Flash to close the gap.

Finalizing Thoughts

Nocturne has become a formidable Assassin in the jungle with the introduction of Axiom Arc and changes to his rune choices. By playing Nocturne according to his lore and design, you can terrorize your opponents and secure takedowns with ease. Make use of his ultimate, Paranoia, and the element of surprise for maximum impact. Keep an eye out for more guides and content on our website!