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The Fast-Paced Mindset of the Korean Server

Korean Server: A Fast-Paced Gaming Experience

Korean culture is known for its fast-paced lifestyle, and the League of Legends scene in Korea is no exception. The Korean server offers a unique and speedy gaming experience that sets it apart from other servers like NA and EUW. This article will explore the factors that contribute to the fast pace of the Korean server.

Factors that Drive the Fast Pace

  1. Cheap and Accessible Internet: In Korea, affordable Internet and PC Bangs (Internet cafes) allow players of all ages and financial status to have access to decent computers and high-speed internet. This ensures that players have optimal conditions for gaming.
  2. Single Time Zone: Unlike servers with multiple time zones, Korea has only one time zone. This leads to heavy peak hours as school and work schedules align. Players can easily find matches during these peak hours.
  3. Popularity of the Game: League of Legends is immensely popular in Korea, with a large percentage of the population actively playing the game. It has consistently ranked 1st on the Most Popular PC Bang Game Chart for over 100 weeks.

These factors contribute to the fast-paced nature of gaming on the Korean server.

The Experience on the Korean Server

The fast pace starts from the lobby, where bans happen within seconds and champions are locked in swiftly. Players need to be quick to keep up with the pace. The game begins with level one invades happening almost every game, and lagging behind can lead to frustration and rage from teammates. Korean players often surrender early if they feel that the game is not going in their favor, as they value their time and want to start a new game with better chances.

Once the game ends, players quickly move on to the next one without much chat or giving out honor. Games on the Korean server generally finish quickly, with the possibility of swift victories or quick losses depending on early game performance.

The Good and the Bad

The fast pace of the Korean server can be exciting for players who prefer games with better chances of winning. However, it can be frustrating for those who want to try and turn the game around despite early setbacks. Regardless of playstyle, it’s important to maintain composure and not rage quit, as every game has the potential to be won.

So, whether you’re playing on the Korean server or any other server, embrace the fast pace and enjoy the game!

Korean server, League of Legends, fast-paced gaming, PC Bangs, popular game, quick victories, quick losses