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The Fallacy of Quas

Quas: Is he really the best?

Last week, Quas was named MVP after leading his team to a 2-0 victory. Many are comparing him to other top laners, but there are a few points where these comparisons fall short. Let’s explore why.

1. TSM vs Team Liquid

The recent series between TSM and Team Liquid ended with a 1-1 split. Both games showcased poor decisions by a player. For example, in the first match, Quas played Gnar and had a significant lane advantage. However, he still lost the lane against Wildturtle’s Tristana. This shouldn’t happen to a good player. In the second game, with Cassiopeia and Jinx on the opponent’s team, Quas, playing Irelia, should have been able to tank at least one of them. His itemization choices were questionable. Any other team would have taken advantage of the situation.

2. Statistics on tanks

Both Team 8 top laner Calitrlolz and Quas have struggled with playing tanks. Playing a top lane tank requires communication and coordination, something they have not excelled at. Comparing them to players like Flame and Smeb, who can adapt their playstyle, is unfair based on the statistics.

3. Teamwork

During a recent match, Quas’s performance on Swain had little impact compared to Impact. Quas failed to create space for his teammates, while Impact made clutch plays and dealt higher damage. Teamwork is crucial in the top lane, and Quas fell short in this aspect.

Playing top lane is about absorbing cooldowns, not carrying the game. The lack of insight from analysts and coaches is evident in Quas’s gameplay. This strategy will not hold up against teams with proper research, as seen in TSM’s performance at Worlds last year. NA needs to wake up, diversify their playstyle, and differentiate themselves from the dominant Korean teams in order to have a chance at success.

Related keywords: Quas, MVP, top laner, TSM, Team Liquid, statistics, tanks, teamwork, NA, Korean dominance