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The Enchanting Feline Returns to Worlds 2022 Group Stage as Aatrox’s Rampage Persists

The Worlds 2022 Meta: Winners and Losers

The first group stage round-robin of the League of Legends Worlds 2022 is coming to an end, and the meta is starting to take shape. With over 90 unique champions picked or banned, the Worlds meta is more versatile and volatile than ever before. However, every meta has its winners and losers, regardless of how short-lived or insignificant they may seem.

Top Performers in the Group Stage

According to Games of Legends, Yuumi, the magical cat, is currently dominating the group stage with an 88 percent presence and a 100 percent win rate. Joining Yuumi at the top are Lissandra, Sivir, and Lucian, all with a perfect 100 percent win rate in the group stage.

Viego, the Ruined King, is also making waves in the meta with a 71 percent win rate and a 50 percent presence rate. Aatrox holds a 100 percent presence at Worlds 2022 and boasts a solid 57 percent win rate. Additionally, Aphelios, Caitlyn, Trundle, Thresh, Lee Sin, and Camille are all performing well with a 67 percent win rate.

Underperforming Champions

On the other side, Nautilus is struggling the most in the group stage with a 42 percent presence and zero percent win rate. Varus, Tahm Kench, LeBlanc, and Miss Fortune are also having a tough time with a zero percent win rate. Leona has a slightly better position with a 42 percent win rate after starting with 29 percent. Sejuani is surprising with an 88 percent presence and a 33 percent win rate, while Poppy is underwhelming with only a 38 percent win rate.

The Worlds 2022 meta continues to evolve, and it will be exciting to see how these champions perform in the upcoming stages of the tournament.

League of Legends, Worlds 2022, meta, winners, losers, Yuumi, Viego, Aatrox, Aphelios, Caitlyn, Trundle, Thresh, Lee Sin, Camille, Nautilus, Varus, Tahm Kench, LeBlanc, Miss Fortune, Leona, Sejuani, Poppy