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The Definitive Compilation of Abilities That Can Be Countered With Cleanse in League of Legends

Summoner Spells for ADCs have always been centered around Flash and Heal. However, there is another option that is often overlooked: Cleanse. Cleanse is a summoner spell that can remove crowd control effects and provide a Tenacity boost. While Flash is essential and should always be taken, Cleanse can be an interesting choice for ADCs looking to try something different.

Compared to Heal, Cleanse offers the ability to remove most forms of crowd control, making it a great option for dealing with CC-heavy compositions. It also provides a 65% Tenacity boost for 3 seconds, reducing the duration of slows and stuns. Cleanse has an advantage over Quicksilver Sash as it can remove debuffs from summoner spells like Ignite and Exhaust, while QSS cannot. However, QSS can be used against suppressions like Malzahar and Warwick ult, while Cleanse cannot.

How Does Cleanse Work in League of Legends?

Cleanse works by automatically targeting your champion when you press the button. It applies a 65% Tenacity boost for 3 seconds, reducing the duration of crowd control effects. It also removes the effects of summoner spells like Ignite and Exhaust, making it a viable option against certain matchups. While Cleanse is similar to Quicksilver Sash, it grants Tenacity, while QSS does not. However, QSS can be used against suppressions, while Cleanse cannot.

What Can You Cleanse?

Cleanse can remove a wide range of crowd control effects. It can even remove some summoner spell effects, making it a versatile option for dealing with CC. Here are some of the most common crowd control effects that Cleanse can be used against:

  • Yasuo’s Ultimate (R)
  • Nasus’s Wither (W)
  • Ahri’s Charm (E)
  • Teemo’s Blind (Q)
  • Silences like Cho’Gath’s W or Soraka’s E
  • Grounding effects like Singed’s W and Cassiopeia’s W
  • Drowsy and Sleep effects
  • Exhaust
  • Ignite (removes damage over time, but not Grievous Wounds)

What Can You NOT Cleanse?

While Cleanse can remove a wide range of crowd control effects, there are certain abilities and effects that it cannot cleanse. Here are some of the effects that Cleanse cannot remove:

  • Malzahar’s R
  • Warwick’s R
  • Urgot’s R
  • Mordekaiser’s R
  • Fizz’s R (can remove the slow, but not the damage)
  • Knock-ups
  • Nearsight (Nocturne’s R and Graves’ Smokescreen)

When to Take Cleanse?

Cleanse is not always the best choice for ADCs, but there are situations where it can be a viable option. If you have a support with a lot of healing and sustain, such as Soraka or Yuumi, taking Cleanse instead of Heal can be a good idea. It can also be useful when facing CC-heavy bot lanes like Lux and Thresh, as it allows you to continue fighting after being hit by their CC abilities. Cleanse works well in combination with a Quicksilver Sash, providing additional crowd control removal options in the early game.

In summary, while Cleanse may not be the most common summoner spell choice for ADCs, it can be a situational pick in specific matchups. It offers the ability to remove crowd control effects and provides a Tenacity boost, making it a useful tool against CC-heavy compositions. Consider taking Cleanse when you have a support with a lot of healing and sustain or when facing CC-heavy bot lanes. Experiment with Cleanse and find out if it fits your playstyle!