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The Benefits of Volunteering in the World of eSports

Why Working as a Volunteer in eSports is Beneficial

As eSports continues to grow, the interest in working in the field increases as well. Many people choose to start their careers in professional eSports by volunteering and gradually working their way up. Although this approach has received criticism, there are opportunities to monetize your content, like on GAMURS. While it may seem unappealing to work without pay, as someone who started as a volunteer and is now a full-time analyst, I would like to emphasize the benefits of these positions in the current scene.

The Need for Volunteers

Teams often seek volunteers because there are few metrics to evaluate candidates for positions. Unless you have an established presence as an analyst in the scene, complete with references, your resume is likely limited. While I had a portfolio of published articles, including ones I was paid for at GAMURS, it still didn’t provide all the information teams needed. Portfolios don’t answer crucial questions like how quickly someone can complete assignments or their ability to interact with players and teach effectively. Furthermore, throwing an inexperienced individual into a professional team can be detrimental for both parties. Working as an analyst requires a significant time commitment, but not everyone is ready for that. By starting as a volunteer, new analysts can gradually learn and ease into the job.

Benefits for Analysts

In addition to benefiting teams, volunteer positions can also be advantageous for analysts if they consider a few guidelines. The first guideline is to have a clear understanding of their goals before applying for a volunteer position. It’s important to know what you want to achieve, whether it’s obtaining a great reference for a long-term team or determining if an analyst position is the right fit for you. The next guideline is knowing when to walk away. While it’s tempting to hold on to promises of contracts and full-time jobs, it’s crucial to assess if those promises are realistic. Trusting the coaching staff and management of the team is essential. If the potential is not clear or your trust is betrayed, it may be wise to search for other options.

The Value of Volunteer Positions

When approached with these guidelines in mind, volunteer positions offer valuable opportunities. Similar to an unpaid internship, the goal is to gain experience, make connections, and determine if this is the right career path for you. Building a portfolio on GAMURS is an excellent way to develop analytical skills and monetize your content. Although working as a volunteer for a team carries some risk, it remains one of the most effective ways to kickstart a career in eSports until there are more comprehensive metrics available for evaluating job applicants.

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