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The 5 Major Transformations Awaiting Summoner’s Rift in the 2024 Season of LoL

Riot Games is Making Exciting Changes to League of Legends in 2024

Get ready, because League of Legends is about to change in a big way. Riot Games, the developers behind the popular game, are implementing significant tweaks to Summoner’s Rift that will completely transform the gameplay and decision-making process for players.

This year, the Void is making a powerful comeback, bringing with it stronger neutral monsters and changes to the terrain in every lane. These updates will force players to reassess their strategies as they adapt to a new set of items. One of the most exciting changes is the revamped support system, which aims to enhance the overall satisfaction for players in that role.

To give you a sneak peek of what’s to come, here are the five biggest changes coming to Summoner’s Rift in 2024.

Baron Nashor is Getting a Makeover with Three New Forms

For many seasons, Baron Nashor has remained an enduring challenge on Summoner’s Rift, with the same abilities and power. But in 2024, this iconic purple worm will be getting a much-needed facelift, including three new forms, each with its own unique powers.

Territorial Baron, Hunting Baron, and All-Seeing Baron will have special abilities that will change the dynamics of battles with the monster. Additionally, each form will bring its own distinct pit terrain, adding more complexity to the gameplay.

Introducing Three New Baron Pits

Along with its newfound power, Baron Nashor will also introduce three different pit terrains for players to navigate during battles. While Hunting Baron will keep the pit unchanged, Territorial Baron and All-Seeing Baron will introduce new obstacles and pathways. These changes will greatly impact the flow and strategy of mid-to-late game skirmishes.

The Void Takes over the Rift

Summoner’s Rift will become an infested battleground as the Void engulfs the map. New monsters, such as Voidgrubs and Voidmites, will replace the first Rift Herald of the game. At the five-minute mark, Voidgrubs will spawn in the Baron pit, unleashing Voidmites to swarm enemy champions.

Successfully defeating these creatures will grant players the Hunger of the Void buff, which provides bonus damage to structures. The buff also stacks based on the number of Voidgrubs slain. If a player takes down five to six grubs, they will periodically spawn their own Voidmites, aiding in pushing waves and destroying structures.

Ride on the Back of Rift Herald

While new Void creatures make their presence known, let’s not forget about Shelly, the Rift Herald. The Rift Herald will have a special new interaction that players can activate after defeating her and acquiring her Eye of the Herald. Players will have the ability to right-click and mount the Rift Herald, steering her and commanding her to charge forward, knocking up enemy champions.

By directing Shelly towards an enemy turret, she will deal even more damage than usual, making her a valuable ally when it comes to taking down objectives on the map. However, once she collides with the terrain, the player riding her will be dismounted and revert back to their normal state.

New Terrain for a New Year

Riot is revamping the entire landscape of the Rift. In both the bottom and top lanes, the terrain will be mirrored on both sides to eliminate any side-based advantages in jungle pathing to either lane.

Additionally, there will be a new pixel brush situated at both river entrances, creating an opportunity for surprise ganks. In the mid lane, the two side brushes will be pushed back, providing more safety for less mobile champions farming in that lane.

All of these exciting changes will be available for testing on the League PBE starting from November 20th.

League of Legends, Riot Games, Summoner’s Rift, 2024 changes, Baron Nashor, Void creatures, Rift Herald, new terrain, game updates, strategy, gameplay