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The 4 Troll Champion Picks That Will Ruin Your League Ranked Matches in Patch 13.1

League of Legends Champions You Should Never Pick for Certain Roles

League of Legends offers a wide variety of champions with different playstyles to choose from. However, there are certain champions that should never be picked for specific roles. Experimenting with off-meta picks can be fun, but it’s important to consider the effectiveness and strategy behind these choices, especially in solo queue.

If you come across a player who picks a champion that is clearly unfit for their role, it’s best to dodge the game. But how can you tell if it’s an off-meta pick or simply trolling? Look out for these red flags.

Zed in the Jungle

Zed is a fantastic mid laner known for his aggressive playstyle. However, some players have been picking him in the jungle, despite his low win rate in that role. While Zed has a decent camp clear, his ganking and snowball potential in the jungle are lacking. As of now, he sits at a miserable 44.42 percent win rate as a jungler.

Teemo in Support

Teemo is primarily played in the top lane and is difficult to utilize effectively outside of that role. Picking him as a support may provide early poke but his scaling is poor, making him quite useless in the later stages of the game.

Yuumi in Any Role Except Support

Yuumi is designed to be a support champion, specifically attached to a bottom lane partner. Choosing her for any other role is pointless and should be avoided.

Malphite in Support

Malphite has a low pick rate and win rate in the support role. While he offers some crowd control in team fights, he lacks sustainability in lane and doesn’t provide much utility as a support.

These champion picks can significantly impact your ranked matches in League of Legends. It’s important to consider the effectiveness and strategy of your choices to ensure better chances of winning.

League of Legends, champion picks, ranked matches, off-meta picks, champion roles