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The 2020 Worlds play-in stage showcases champions with immense impact

Each year, the play-in stage of the League of Legends World Championship serves as a testing ground for teams to figure out the meta and prepare for the main event. During this phase, certain champions rise to the top and make a big impact on the competition. Let’s take a look at six standout champions from the play-in stage of Worlds 2020.

Top – Ornn

Ornn, a tank champion, dominated the top lane during the play-in stage. He excelled in both the early and late game, making him a strong pick all throughout the match. With a near-perfect record of 10-1, Ornn became a highly contested champion, receiving an 87% pick/ban rate.

Jungle – Lillia

Lillia started off Worlds 2020 disappointingly, but teams persisted in picking her. As the play-in stage progressed, her win rate improved to 31% over 16 games. She had an 87% pick/ban rate, and her performance in the group stage will be closely watched.

Mid – Orianna

Orianna proved to be the most powerful mage in the mid-lane during the play-in stage. With a 10-1 record, she had an impressive 87% pick/ban rate. While other mages had their moments, Orianna truly stood out.

ADC – Senna

Senna, a relatively new ADC, had a mixed performance at her first World Championship. With a 54% win rate over 13 games, her success was not outstanding. However, her flexibility as a champion, especially when paired with Wukong in the bottom lane, could lead to interesting strategies in the group stage.

Support – Leona

Leona, a classic tank support, was the most popular support pick at Worlds. With 18 picks and a 66% pick/ban rate, she dominated the role. Her aggressive playstyle perfectly aligned with the current meta focused on hard-engage supports.

Honorable mention – Sett

Sett, a versatile champion, appeared in multiple roles during the play-in stage. With 15 picks and 11 bans, he showcased his flexibility and dominance. Teams found value in his ability to be flexed across positions. As the tournament progresses, we may see Sett on a larger scale.

As the Worlds 2020 Championship continues, these champions will shape the meta and have a significant impact on the competition.

Worlds 2020, League of Legends, play-in stage, champions, meta, Ornn, Lillia, Orianna, Senna, Leona, Sett.