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The 10 champions in League of Legends that are played the least

League of Legends (LoL) has one of the largest rosters of any MOBA game, with over 140 unique champions. Riot Games has been consistently adding new champions to keep the game fresh and exciting. However, this constant addition of new characters has made some of the older ones obsolete.

Here we have the 10 least-played champions in the Challenger rank of LoL, based on games played and pick rate according to LoLalytics’ data. We will also look at the 10 least-played champions in all ranks.

Least-played League champions in Challenger

Based on their games played, the following champions have the lowest pick rate in the Challenger rank:

10. Vi – 142 games

9. Fizz – 141 games

8. Yuumi – 141 games

7. Jinx – 133 games

6. Swain – 124 games

5. Kayle – 121 games

4. Singed – 116 games

3. Xin Zhao – 105 games

2. Sion – 103 games

1. Quinn – 102 games

It’s worth noting that some of these champions, like Jinx and Yuumi, are more commonly picked in average rankings but not so much in the Challenger rank.

While the opinions of Challenger players hold weight, it’s important to remember that you can still succeed with these lesser-picked champions if you master their mechanics.

Least-played League champions in all ranks

Now let’s take a look at the 10 least-played champions in LoL overall:

10) Singed

Singed is the 10th least-played champion in LoL, with only 122,455 games played. He has a win rate of 52.44% but is still not a popular choice among players.

9) Taliyah

Taliyah has dropped from being the 4th least-played champion to the 9th position. With 121,080 games and a win rate of 49.72%, her popularity has declined.

8) Taric

Taric, considered an A-tier champion, is surprisingly not a popular choice despite his positive win rate of 51.62%. With 119,081 games, he ranks as the 8th least-played champion.

7) Kennen

Kennen, with a win rate of 47.43%, is the worst-performing champion among the least-played ones. However, within the Challenger rank, his win rate is much higher at 57.22%. He has been played in 114,948 games.

6) Kalista

Kalista has become even less popular since May 2023, dropping from being the 10th least-played to the 6th. With only 111,850 games and a win rate of 47.82%, she is not a favored pick.

5) Galio

Despite being an A-tier champion, Galio is the 5th least popular tank in LoL. With 99,240 games played and a win rate of 49.26%, he struggles to find popularity.

4) Renata Glasc

Renata Glasc, an average B+ tier character, is the least popular support in the game. With a win rate of 50.31%, she has only been chosen in 83,064 games.

3) Corki

Corki, with a win rate of 47.56%, is the least-chosen marksman in LoL. With only 76,244 games played, he remains unpopular.

2) Ivern

Ivern has moved up from being the least popular character to the 2nd spot. With only 73,591 games played, he still has an A-tier ranking and a win rate of 50.76%.

1) Skarner

Skarner has taken the crown as the least popular LoL champion. Despite being a B+ tier character with a win rate of 51.67%, he has only been played in 47,800 games.

It’s interesting to see these champions at the bottom of the popularity list despite some of them having decent win rates. Hopefully, they will receive some attention and changes in the future to increase their appeal to players.

League of Legends, MOBA, champions, least-played, pick rate, win rate, popularity