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Teemo’s Hilarious League Outplay Leaves Volibear Regretting Nexus Dance

League of Legends Player Outplayed in ARURF Game

A recent ARURF game reminded players that even when victory seems certain, it can quickly slip away. In a viral clip shared on Reddit, a Volibear player found themselves on the receiving end of Teemo’s power despite their initial advantage.

The clip shows Volibear and the Rift Herald taking down the enemy Nexus towers. Confident in their lead, Volibear taunted Teemo who had just respawned. However, realizing that the Rift Herald wasn’t enough to secure victory, Volibear turned their focus to the Nexus. Unfortunately, it was too late. Teemo’s blinding abilities in URF mode were on full display as Volibear struggled to finish off the Nexus. In the end, Teemo emerged victorious with only a sliver of health remaining.

Although this play was impressive and showcased Teemo’s skill, it is unlikely that Volibear’s team was able to recover and win the game. Unfortunately, there is no information available about the outcome of this specific match. The clip has gained significant attention on the League subreddit, despite being recorded earlier this year. While players cannot currently enjoy ARURF mode in League, it is expected to make a return in the future.

League of Legends, ARURF, Teemo, Volibear, URF mode