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Team Liquid – The Persistence of Problems

Team Liquid Needs to Make Significant Changes for Success

Team Liquid has experienced both highs and lows, but in order to make it to the world championships and outperform LMS teams, they must make substantial changes.

1. Replacing Members

One of the most effective ways to bring about change is by replacing team members. Quas, in particular, has struggled this split, losing all but one game when playing tanks. If the meta demands tank play, Team Liquid will continue to struggle. To progress, the team needs to find a top lane player who can play tanks and carry champions at a high level, alongside Piglet and Fenix who are strong threats.

2. Improving Pick and Ban Strategies

Team Liquid’s pick ban strategy is excellent, enabling them to excel in their roles and make plays. However, their understanding of opponents’ champions and playstyles is lacking. Even with good picks, they often lose because they know exactly how the opponent will choose champions. In the recent games against Cloud 9, their picks were predictable, and there was no variation in playstyle. Having knowledge of counter strategies is crucial to success.

3. Enhancing Map Movement

Team Liquid’s lack of effective map movement has been a consistent problem, causing frustration among fans. Properly utilizing wards as a resource is crucial for making plays. This aspect of the game needs improvement, and the off-season provides an opportunity to work on it.

4. Improving Itemization

Coaches and analysts need to focus on itemization for Team Liquid. The team frequently makes mistakes in this area, and it significantly impacts their gameplay. Correcting these itemization issues is essential for success.

5. Clarifying Role Definitions

There is a need to define roles more clearly within the team. Some players are being used more than others, such as Xpecial, who should be utilizing his talent and experience as a playmaker rather than playing Janna or Alistar. Simplifying role assignments will aid the team in better understanding their individual responsibilities.

Team Liquid possesses great potential and a desire to improve. The upcoming off-season will be crucial for their progress.

Team Liquid, esports, world championships, LMS, split, top lane, pick and ban, map movement, itemization, role definition