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Team Liquid faces off against Cloud 9 in an epic clash of point clickers

The Exciting Final of NA-LCS: A Showdown between TSM and Cloud9

The highly anticipated final of NA-LCS is set to be a thrilling match, as both TSM and Cloud9 prioritize point and click champions. Each team has a distinct style, which becomes evident during the pick/ban phases.

1. TSM’s High Priority Pick: Lulu

For TSM, Lulu is an essential champion in the pick and ban phase. This is because her 2.5 second silence can greatly enhance the damage output during team fights. Additionally, the slow from her ultimate and Q ability are valuable assets. TSM recognizes the importance of Lulu, as she doesn’t require skill shots to utilize 75% of her potential. It’s no doubt that Lulu should be a 100% ban.

2. Cloud9’s Priority Pick: Nautilus

Cloud9 prioritizes Nautilus because they aim to create a chain crowd control composition. The advantage of Nautilus is that one player, Hai, controls all of his abilities, enabling synchronized attacks on the enemy. With its point and click abilities and a reliable Q follow up, Nautilus is exceedingly useful for Lemonation. It’s a must-ban champion for Cloud9. If Nautilus is banned, he will likely choose Morgana instead.

3. Gragas: A Valuable Pick for Both Teams

Gragas is the only tank, aside from Udyr, who can tank and gank before reaching level 6. His ultimate serves as an incredible disengage tool, and his Q ability provides a nearly 99% slow, resembling a binding. The versatility of Gragas’s abilities makes him a fearsome champion. However, neither team excels at properly calculating the damage he can deal.

4. TSM Fever: Proper Picks and Team Composition

In previous best-of series against TSM, with the exception of the Samsung white series, I’ve noticed that every time the opposing team makes a foolish move, it feels as if a gust of cold wind blows against your face. For instance, in the series against Yoe Flash Wolves, when Wildturtle picked Corki, Yoe chose Lucian and won both the lane and the game decisively. In the next two games, Yoe opted for Corki and allowed TSM to take Lucian both times. Wildturtle may not be the best ADC, but he has been playing the game for almost 5 years. The disrespect here is significant. When facing TSM, it’s crucial to make proper picks and plan your team composition wisely.

5. The Importance of Skill Shot Accuracy

Both Hai and Bjergsen’s performance heavily relies on their ability to land skill shots. They have exceptional map awareness when it comes to hitting skill shots and making impactful plays. However, there is one key difference between them: Hai prefers not to engage in one-on-one situations, whereas Bjergsen thrives in those scenarios. Therefore, the outcome of their performance will depend on the specific circumstances of the game.

Best Possible Bans for Each Team

TSM: Hecarim, Nautilus, Corki
Cloud9: Lulu, Gragas, Ahri

Plain text related keywords: NA-LCS final, TSM, Cloud9, pick/ban phase, Lulu, Nautilus, Gragas, skill shots, champion bans