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Team Liquid claims their inaugural Rift Rivals win with an impressive triumph against Splyce

Team Liquid Secures North America’s First Victory at Rift Rivals

Team Liquid made history today by securing North America’s first win at Rift Rivals in a dominant match against Europe’s Splyce.

Kasper “Kobbe” Kobberup, the AD carry for Splyce, attempted to bring Caitlyn back into the meta against Team Liquid, but it wasn’t successful. With the rise of bruisers and mages on Patch 8.11, crit-based AD carries like Caitlyn had fallen out of favor on Summoner’s Rift.

For the first 15 minutes of the match, Kobbe’s Caitlyn held her own. Despite a couple of mistakes, Kobbe managed to farm comfortably while Splyce focused on objectives.

However, as the first major teamfight broke out, Kobbe’s lack of power on Caitlyn became apparent. Team Liquid’s mid laner, Eugene “Pobelter” Park, playing Irelia, was able to dash around Splyce’s champions and effectively shut down Kobbe.

In contrast, Team Liquid’s AD carry, Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng, reached his power spike with Guinsoo’s Rageblade on Kai’Sa. This allowed him to take out Splyce’s other carry, Yasin “Nisqy” Dinçer.

With an 8-1 kill lead and a 4,000 gold advantage, Team Liquid was able to snowball their team composition and secure the win. Splyce had no means of stopping the destruction of their base, as they were significantly behind in terms of champions compared to Team Liquid.

Splyce will have another chance to redeem themselves later today when they face Echo Fox at 6:30pm CT.

Related keywords: Team Liquid, Rift Rivals, North America, Europe, Splyce, AD carry, Caitlyn, meta, Patch 8.11, bruisers, mages, major teamfight, powerspike, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Kai’Sa, win, redemption, Echo Fox.