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Tahm Kench’s Devour ability faces a significant cooldown nerf on the PBE

Tahm Kench to Receive Significant Nerf to Devour Ability

In the world of League of Legends, Tahm Kench is not a popular pick among players, with a playrate below two percent and one of the lowest winrates for support champions, as reported by

Despite his lack of popularity, Riot Games has decided to nerf his most powerful ability, Devour, which may concern the few players who do use Tahm Kench.

Devour Cooldown Increased

Starting at rank one, the cooldown for Tahm Kench’s Devour ability will be increased from 14 seconds to 26 seconds. However, the ability’s cooldown will decrease to 14 seconds by the end of the game.

In addition to the increased cooldown, the ability will deal more damage to enemies when they are spat out. Unfortunately, this change may not be very useful as the ability will only be available every 24 seconds, which may result in it being unavailable when allies need it the most.

Patch 8.16 and Potential Reversal

It’s important to note that these changes are not planned to take effect until Patch 8.16, which is about three weeks away. Riot Games may use this time to further refine or even revert the changes if necessary.

These nerfs seem to be primarily aimed at professional play, as Tahm Kench is a popular pick among tank supports in the current ranged and mage support meta. The Devour ability is crucial for enabling certain marksmen champions to remain viable in the game.

Implications for Players

Although these changes may benefit professional players, they may not be well-received by the majority of players who already struggle with Tahm Kench. It is advised for players who enjoy playing Tahm Kench to make the most of him before the changes take effect in three weeks.

If you want to see the announcement for yourself, check out the tweet by Riot staffer David Capurro.

Keyword: Tahm Kench, League of Legends, Support Champion, Devour Ability, Nerf, Cooldown, Damage, Patch 8.16, Professional Play