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T1 Keria Executes Crucial Rell Engage in Playoff Series vs. KT Rolster

T1 Support Keria Makes Flashy Play to Secure Victory Against KT Rolster

In a thrilling LCK playoff series, T1 support Keria showcased his exceptional mechanical skills by making a game-changing play that potentially secured the win for his team. Playing as Rell, a powerful engage champion, Keria fearlessly charged into a teamfight, creating opportunities for his carries and even saving a teammate from certain death.

Related Video: [YouTube video URL]

During the fifth and final game of the series, T1 jungler Oner found himself caught out by four members of KT. Fortunately, Oner was playing as Sejuani, a tanky champion, allowing him to survive long enough to escape using Arctic Assault (Q). This gave Keria the chance to counter-engage, turning the fight in T1’s favor.

See the incredible play on Twitter: [Twitter video URL]

Keria swiftly jumped into the fight, positioning himself in the midst of the enemy team and casting Rell’s ultimate ability, Magnet Storm. This ability pulled in the entire KT team, including their mid laner Bdd who was chasing down Oner. Bdd, playing as Tristana, attempted to close the gap using Rocket Jump (W), but was instead pulled back into the center of Keria’s Magnet Storm.

With Bdd vulnerable, T1’s ADC Gumayusi and Oner capitalized on the situation, eliminating Bdd and securing a two-for-one victory for T1. Despite Keria dying in the process, his sacrifice did not go unnoticed and ultimately became the catalyst for T1’s comeback in the late game and the series as a whole.

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Since Faker’s return to the starting lineup, Keria and T1 have emerged victorious in four consecutive series. They will face the winner of the Gen.G vs. Hanwha Life Esports match on Saturday, Aug. 12, with a spot in the LCK Summer Finals at stake.

T1, Keria, LCK, playoffs, support, Rell, play, victory, engage, mechanical skills, teamfight, comeback