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T1 emerges victorious as DRX reminiscent of Dignitas, throwing at Baron.

Inexperience Costs DragonX the Series Against T1

The LCK team DragonX suffered defeat at the hands of T1 due to their inexperience in a crucial Baron fight, resulting in a loss in the best-of-three series.

Despite their undefeated record, DragonX’s indecisiveness proved to be their downfall.

DragonX’s Missed Opportunity

In the final game of the series, DragonX had the momentum and only needed to secure the dragon and destroy the remaining towers for victory. However, instead of taking a patient approach, they took unnecessary risks by engaging in a fight at Baron. A more sensible strategy could have led to their win.

DragonX charged headfirst at Baron, with Kim “Deft” Hyuk-kyu even flashing into the pit. Although they managed to weaken Baron, T1 wasn’t finished yet.

Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok engaged with Ornn, successfully hitting all three targets before Park “Teddy” Jin-seong finished them off with his Bullet Time ability. This led to T1’s victory as they obtained the necessary gold, engaged DragonX at the dragon, and emerged as the winners.

T1’s victory may not have been the cleanest, but it was a win nonetheless. They now sit at the top of the LCK standings, tied with Gen.G and DragonX. Their next match will be against the bottom-ranked team APK Prince on Saturday, Feb. 22.

DragonX, LCK, T1, Baron fight, best-of-three series, inexperience, momentum, victory, defeat, undefeated record, indecisiveness, sensible approach, risks, unnecessary fight, patient, Kim “Deft” Hyuk-kyu, Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok, Park “Teddy” Jin-seong, Bullet Time ability, cleanest series, improve, top of the LCK standings, Gen.G, APK Prince.