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Sylas requires significant adjustments to be relevant in the meta

Sylas Struggles in League of Legends Meta, Hotfix Not Enough

Sylas, the champion with chiseled abs, is currently struggling in the League of Legends meta. Despite a recent hotfix, his winrates remain consistently below 40 percent. The hotfix only made minor adjustments to his base AD, MR per level, and base damage on his E ability, which is not enough to address the underlying issue.

The Problem with Sylas’ Design

The issue with Sylas lies in his design. While he relies on high AP scalings for damage, his base damage is not impressive. This poses a problem because he was advertised as an AP bruiser. His abilities require him to engage directly with enemies, but he lacks the tools to either sustain in a fight or effectively lock down enemies. As a result, opponents can easily turn the tables and attack him. In simpler terms, he struggles to either survive long enough or secure kills efficiently.

Possible Solutions for Sylas

There are two possible approaches to addressing Sylas’ current predicament. One option is to increase his base damage while slightly reducing his scalings to emphasize his role as a bruiser or AP juggernaut. This would allow him to be effective while building defensive items for survivability. Alternatively, Riot could embrace his role as an AP assassin by buffing his scalings. Many players have gravitated towards this playstyle, favoring raw damage items like Luden’s Echo and Lich Bane.

Looking for a Fix

Regardless of the approach, it is clear that Sylas requires adjustments to be viable. Hopefully, as players become more accustomed to his playstyle, his winrates will improve. However, a targeted buff in the right area could significantly improve his performance.

Sylas, League of Legends, meta, hotfix, winrates, base damage, AP bruiser, AP scalings, design, survivability, AP assassin, scalings, adjustments