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Svenskeren Expresses Desire for Exclusive Role as Main Jungler on a Team

Cloud9 Jungler Svenskeren Opens Up About Leaving the Team in LCS Offseason

Svenskeren, former star jungler for Cloud9 in the League of Legends Championship Series (LCS), recently revealed in an interview with Travis Gafford his reasons for leaving the team during the offseason. One of the main factors behind his decision was his desire to be the main jungler and not share the role with another player.

Last year, Svenskeren had to split time with C9’s current starting jungler, Blaber, in both splits and even at the 2019 World Championship. Despite being one of the best junglers in the region, Svenskeren wasn’t happy about sharing the spotlight, especially after his exceptional performances during the regular season. His success was crucial for Cloud9’s achievements, and being benched may have affected his trust in the coaching staff.

In addition to Svenskeren’s departure, support player Zeyzal also spoke about the changes caused by the popular AD carry, Sneaky, leaving the team. While Sneaky’s fun personality had an impact on them, Svenskeren and Zeyzal emphasized the importance of finding their own identity as a team.

What’s Next for Svenskeren and Zeyzal?

League of Legends fans can witness Svenskeren and Zeyzal in action as they join Evil Geniuses in their upcoming match against Team Dignitas on Sunday, Jan. 26.

Cloud9, Svenskeren, League of Legends, LCS, C9, jungler, Travis Gafford, offseason, team, role, Blaber, World Championship, regular season, coaching staff, Zeyzal, Sneaky, Evil Geniuses, Team Dignitas, match.