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Surge in Popularity Leads to Disruption in Support Meta for a LoL Champion

Zyra Returns to Prominence as a Priority Support Champion

With just a few tweaks, Zyra, the champion in League of Legends, has reemerged as a dominant force in the support role.

Support players have been exploring the changes that have affected the role in recent patches. Despite the abundance of engage champions available, Zyra has become a priority pick due to her ability to poke opponents in lane. This has solidified her position as a support champion and will likely continue to cause trouble for opponents as more players experiment with her recent adjustments.

Buffs Bring Zyra Back into the Spotlight

Zyra players have been advocating for buffs for months. While she possesses crowd control abilities, her low range puts her at a disadvantage compared to champions like Lux and Morgana. Fortunately, Patch 13.14 brought significant buffs for Zyra, resulting in an increase in her win rate and dominance on Summoner’s Rift.

The buffs did not affect Zyra’s damage in her intended support role. Instead, they improved her early-game plant placement and the way her ultimate interacts with her positioning. As a result, Zyra’s win rate, currently around 52 percent, according to OP.GG, is now on par with Rakan and Rell, who have been dominant supports for several patches.

Zyra’s Future and Build Path

There are no signs of Zyra being nerfed in the near future due to her low pick and ban rates. Her optimal build remains consistent with Liandry’s Anguish and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter as core items. Some players have been experimenting with other Mythic items, such as Radiant Virtue and Imperial Mandate, which synergize well with Zyra’s crowd control.

Other Mage Supports on the Rise

Not only has Zyra returned to prominence, but another mage support, Xerath, has also made a comeback thanks to significant buffs. Additionally, Brand will soon regain popularity as a support with upcoming changes in Patch 13.16.

Zyra, League of Legends, support champion, buffs, dominance, win rate, support meta, build path, Liandry’s Anguish, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, Mythic items, Radiant Virtue, Imperial Mandate, Xerath, Brand