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Struggling Cloud9 LCS team to undergo further changes

Cloud9’s League of Legends Team Faces Another Roster Shakeup

Cloud9’s League of Legends team is about to go through its second major roster shakeup in just two weeks. Coach Bok “Reapered” Han-gyu recently announced that changes are on the way, citing quality of scrim games as the main factor in determining who will play on the North American LCS stage and who will play in Academy games.

Addressing the Challenges

Reapered acknowledged the need for improvement in a recent TwitLonger post, assuring fans that the team is actively working on resolving their mid and late game issues, along with other areas that require attention.

While Cloud9 has had a strong performance in previous seasons, reaching the finals four times and winning twice, they faced difficulties in the last split. They were ultimately eliminated from the quarterfinals by eventual-champions Team Liquid.

Previous Changes and Current Performance

Prior to the start of the Summer Split, Cloud9 made the decision to bench three star players, Nicolaj Jensen, Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi, and Andy “Smoothie” Ta, in favor of their Academy players. Reapered cited motivation issues and gave the original roster members a chance to prove themselves again.

However, among the replacement players, only mid laner Greyson “Goldenglue” Gilmer has shown promising performance. The bot lane duo of Yuri “Keith” Jew and Tristan “Zeyzal” Stidam have struggled in their matches, leading to some losses for the team. Considering the success of traditional marksmen in the NA LCS, there might be a possibility of Sneaky’s return.

Upcoming Announcement and Match against TSM

The details of the roster changes are expected to be announced later this week, just before Cloud9 faces off against their old rivals TSM in the LCS games on Saturday.

Cloud9, League of Legends team, roster shakeup, coach Reapered, quality of scrim games, North American LCS stage, Academy games, mid and late game issues, Team Liquid, Summer Split, star players, motivation issues, Greyson “Goldenglue” Gilmer, bot lane duo, Yuri “Keith” Jew, Tristan “Zeyzal” Stidam, traditional marksmen, roster changes, TSM.