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Streamer playing League of Legends suffers crushing defeat against underleveled support

The Challenges of Balancing League of Legends

It’s not easy to maintain an early lead in League of Legends without making mistakes. The game developers are constantly working on improving the balance of Summoner’s Rift, but perfection is elusive.

An interesting situation that highlights the current balance of the game occurred in one of xFSN Saber’s matches. You can watch the match here.

A Losing Team Fight

In this particular game, xFSN Saber and his team found themselves on the losing end of a team fight at the 32-minute mark. At that point, xFSN Saber, a level 16 Jhin, was the only player left alive on his team.

He headed towards the mid lane, but there he saw the enemy Blitzcrank approaching him with Overdrive (W). Despite being three levels higher than Blitzcrank, things didn’t go as planned for xFSN Saber.

The Unexpected Outcome

He struck Blitzcrank with a basic attack, followed by Captive Audience (E) which healed Jhin for a significant amount. But the danger was not over.

Blitzcrank closed the gap and unleashed all of his abilities on Jhin, leading to his demise. He knocked up xFSN Saber with Power Fist (E), stunned him with Rocket Grab (Q), and finished him off with Static Field (R), while also landing a few basic attacks. The combination proved fatal for Jhin.

Lessons for Players

According to the information from, xFSN Saber lost the game a few minutes later.

So remember, regardless of the level difference, it’s important to always respect your enemies in League, especially when playing as a squishy AD carry.

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League of Legends, esports news, xFSN Saber, balancing, Summoner’s Rift, team fight, Jhin, Blitzcrank, overdrive, Captive Audience, Power Fist, Rocket Grab, Static Field, respect