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Strategies to Overcome the Sona Taric Duo in the Bot Lane

Professional League of Legends Teams Experimenting with Double-Support Bot Lane

In the competitive world of League of Legends, teams are constantly striving to break the mold and find new strategies. Recently, a new trend has emerged: the double-support bot lane. TSM Academy was the first to bring this unconventional strategy to the field, using a Sona-Taric bot lane in the LCS Academy playoffs. This caught the attention of the League community, but it wasn’t until the LCS semifinals that the double-support bot lane truly made its mark. Both Cloud9 and Team Liquid picked up the Sona-Taric combo and dominated their matches, leaving their opponents in awe.

Screenshot of Riot employee's tweet

So just how powerful is this combination, and how can teams counter it?

Understanding the Strengths of the Sona-Taric Combo

The Sona-Taric combo has proven to be incredibly strong. This is evident not only from the success of Cloud9 and Team Liquid, but also from the win rates of these champions in high-level ranked play. Sona has been dominating with a high win rate and play rate, while Taric has shown strong scaling potential. Sona is known for her high damage output and healing abilities, making her a formidable force in the bot lane. Taric brings additional healing, as well as invulnerability, creating a powerful synergy between the two champions. As the game progresses, the Sona-Taric combo becomes even more difficult to deal with, especially during the Baron dance.

Graph showing win rates of Sona and Taric

Strategies to Counter the Sona-Taric Combo

While the Sona-Taric combo may seem unbeatable, there are ways to counter it. Both TSM and FlyQuest had opportunities to defeat this strategy, but they made crucial mistakes that cost them the matches. One key factor is to shut down the Sona-Taric combo early in the game, as they are vulnerable before they reach their full potential. Aggressive bot lane champions can be effective in deleting them during the early levels. Burst damage and assassins can also be effective in teamfights, as they can eliminate Sona or Taric before Taric has a chance to use his ultimate. Additionally, drafting a tank to soak up damage and disrupt the enemy team can create opportunities for your team to win teamfights.

While the Sona-Taric combo may require some adjustments to ensure fair gameplay, it is ultimately up to teams to find ways to counter it. Banning Taric can be a temporary solution, but there are other viable strategies and team compositions that can be effective against this combo. With proper preparation and a well-executed game plan, teams can overcome the challenges posed by the Sona-Taric combo.

The Future of the Sona-Taric Combo

Considering the overwhelming success of the Sona-Taric combo, it is likely that some changes will be made to balance these champions. Sona, in particular, has consistently shown a higher win rate compared to other enchanter supports. However, until the combo is officially nerfed, teams should focus on adapting their strategies and finding alternative ways to counter it. Transparency and preparation are key in overcoming new and unexpected strategies in the world of competitive League of Legends.

professional League of Legends, double-support bot lane, Sona-Taric combo, LCS semifinals, League community, powerful combination, strategies to counter, burst damage, assassins, team compositions, balance, competitive League of Legends.