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Strategies to Boost MMR in League of Legends

Understanding MMR and Rank in LoL

MMR, or matchmaking rating, is a hidden score that determines your skill level in comparison to other League of Legends players on your server. The higher your MMR, the more skilled opponents you will face.

It’s important to note that MMR should not be confused with LP (League Points). In the past, Riot used both MMR and rank to create games, which caused confusion among players with low LP gains.

Difference Between MMR and Rank

MMR is a hidden number based on performance, while rank is a visual representation of MMR. MMR scores start at 0 for Iron IV players and go up to 2500+ for Challenger players.

Sometimes there can be a mismatch between a player’s MMR and rank. For example, a Gold IV player may have an MMR of 1200, while the required MMR for that division is 1400. In this case, Riot will give the player less LP in order to align their rank and MMR.

How to Increase LP Gains

Playing on an account with low LP gains can be demoralizing. Here are two strategies to improve your LP gains:

1. Don’t focus too much on LP gains and keep playing. If you keep winning games, your account will eventually balance itself.

2. Start dodging games. Although it will cost you a few LP, dodging can bring you closer to your real MMR and significantly increase your LP gains over time.

Creating a New Account

Creating a new account can be a solution if you’re unhappy with your current LP gains. When you create a new account, Riot has no prior information about your skill level. This allows you to inflate your MMR to high levels. To do this:

1. Obtain a level 30 account through purchase or leveling it up yourself.

2. Win as many normal games as possible, as Riot uses normal game MMR to determine the initial ranked MMR.

3. Use websites like to check your normal game MMR. If it’s above Diamond, you’re good to go.

4. Win a few ranked games to place into a higher rank, potentially even skipping divisions and earning 30 LP per game.

Remember, manipulating MMR is not possible on your current account. However, you can always return to your old account once the season is over and the MMR and rank reset.


MMR is a hidden score that determines your skill in relation to other players. It can only be increased by winning games. Low LP gains often occur due to a mismatch between MMR and visual rank. To increase LP gains, consider dodging games or focusing on winning. Additionally, creating a new account can help you start fresh with a higher MMR. Give it a try in LoL season 13!