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Strategies for Single-handedly Leading a Struggling Team as an ADC

Carrying a Losing Team as an ADC in League of Legends

When playing ranked in League of Legends, it’s common for your team to be behind in both gold and objectives. As an ADC player, it can feel like the game is already over and there’s nothing you can do. However, fear not! We’re here to show you how to carry a losing team as an ADC.

To carry your team as an ADC, there are a few key things you need to focus on: farming and positioning. It’s essential to prioritize farm and try to get as many minions as possible. Even if your team is behind, take advantage of the enemy minions being mostly on your side of the map. Additionally, make sure you clear out your jungle monsters to deny the enemy team resources. Just be sure to do so with vision to avoid getting caught.

Good ward placement is crucial for ADCs. By having good vision control of the map, you can safely farm and roam. Use the blue trinket to place wards from a distance, saving you from potential danger. Also, encourage your support and team members to ward areas where you need to roam. This will help you avoid unnecessary deaths and catch enemies off guard.

When your team is behind, it’s best to avoid teamfights for a while. Try to ping your team to be cautious when the enemy is grouping up, and avoid fighting more than two or three enemies at once. Take advantage of your vision to catch enemies off guard when they’re alone and quickly back away after getting kills.

Positioning is key for any ADC. Always ensure that you have good positioning during team fights. Stay behind your team, preferably behind a wall, to deal damage without taking much in return. If the enemy has champions that can jump or dash towards you, stick close to a teammate to use them as a distraction. Items like Galeforce can also help with repositioning and avoiding skillshots.

Kiting is a skill every ADC should master. Practice this mechanic to maximize damage output while running away from enemy champions. Don’t worry if you struggle with it at first; it takes time to perfect.

Remember to adjust your build accordingly. Including defensive items, such as Guardian Angel, can save you from being one-shot by enemy assassins. Consider building Galeforce against champions with dashes or Kraken Slayer against tanks.

Lastly, picking meta champions with high win rates can significantly increase your chances of winning. Stay up to date with the latest meta picks through YouTube channels and websites like Mobalytics or Knowing what’s strong in the current patch can give you a significant advantage.

By focusing on farm, positioning, vision control, and adjusting your build accordingly, you can carry a losing team as an ADC. Keep practicing and stay up to date with the meta to maximize your chances of success. Good luck on the Rift!