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Strategies for Managing Perma Grouping

Perma grouping is a major issue in low ELO matches that takes away the enjoyment and disrupts the flow of games. It can even lead to the better team losing.

Fortunately, those who ask themselves “how to deal with perma grouping” are the ones who will be able to break out of this pattern. By being mindful and not autopiloting, this problem can be solved.

Key Takeaways:

  • Perma grouping is caused by poor game knowledge
  • Split pushing can break up perma grouping
  • Clearing the enemy jungle can provide an advantage while teams are stuck fighting

Split Push a Lane

Split Push a LaneSplit Push a Lane

Split pushing is the easiest way to deal with perma grouping. By going to a sidelane and clearing minions and towers, you force the enemy team to respond, breaking up the groups created by both teams.

While not universally applicable to all champions, 99% of champions have enough wave-clear to get the attention of enemies.

To be successful at split pushing, pay attention to the enemy’s location. Make sure to ward the surrounding area to stay safe. Predict the enemy’s pathing based on two factors: your location and the enemy’s starting location.

As you gain experience, you will learn the enemy’s options and be able to ward off those areas, playing in the space you know is safe.

Clear Ally and Enemy Jungle

Clear ally and enemy jungleClear ally and enemy jungle

If you find yourself in a situation where both teams are constantly clashing in groups and you can’t split push, clearing the jungle can maximize your impact. Clearing the jungle gives you XP, gold, and buffs while denying them to the enemy.

Communicate with your team that you’ll be clearing the jungle and not be with them. Use pings and messages to ensure they understand. While it might annoy your team, it’s better than them getting killed and losing the game.

The strategy of clearing the jungle works well when you’re on the same page with your team. A team of 4 can easily defend against a group of 5, assuming the group doesn’t have a baron buff or similar advantage.

The only time you should consider not using this strategy is when an objective is coming up and your team can contest it as 5.


Perma grouping can be a challenge, particularly in lower ELO matches. However, there are strategies to deal with it. Split pushing a lane or clearing the enemy and ally jungle can help break up the groups and provide advantages. By employing these strategies, you can make the most of teams stuck in a perma grouping loop and gain an edge in the game.