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Strategies for Dealing with Passive Opponents in Lane

Laning against passive players can be really frustrating, even when you’re ahead. But don’t worry, there are actionable things you can do to counter their playstyle and create game-winning leads. In this article, I’ll show you how to lane against passive players and why their playstyle sucks.

Table of Contents:

Learn and Utilize Wave Management
Setup a Gank
Invade Enemy Jungle

Learn and Utilize Wave Management

Wave management involves last hitting minions strategically to create favorable lane states. It’s the best way to generate and extend leads, especially against passive players. Freezing is the best strategy to deal with them. To freeze a wave, kill enemy minions in a way that keeps their wave bigger than yours. This forces the enemy to play into your territory, making them more vulnerable to ganks.

Game example: If you’re laning against a passive Darius as Tryndamere, freeze the wave. This will force Darius to walk up to get gold or risk falling behind.

Setup a Gank

Ganking is another effective strategy against passive players. Coordinate with your jungler to dive the enemy when they’re hiding under their tower. Poke the enemy before diving and consider using Herald for added pressure.


Roaming can be a game-changer if done correctly. Push your wave and then travel to another lane. Roam when certain conditions are met, like when the enemy bot lane is low and pushing your allies in.

Invade Enemy Jungle

Invading the enemy jungle is a great way to gain gold and deny it from the enemy. Do this when you know the enemy jungler’s position and are confident in your ability to fight them. It works best on champions that can quickly clear camps and regain health.


Dealing with passive players can be annoying, but you have various techniques to counter their playstyle. Freezing, setting up ganks, roaming, and invading the enemy jungle are all effective strategies. Remember to consider the situation and make the call that provides the highest value in your game.