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Strategies for Carrying a Losing Team as a Support

League of Legends is a challenging game played by people all over the world. Sometimes, things don’t go according to plan and you may find yourself on the losing team. But don’t worry, as a Support player, you can still carry your team to victory. In this guide, we’ll show you how.

Who Are Supports in League of Legends?

Supports are one of the five roles in League of Legends and their main job is to provide utility to their team. They bring crowd control and buffs to their ADCs, ensuring a smoother game for them. Supports play a crucial role in the game by providing peel and support in team fights.

How to Carry as a Support:

If you want to carry your team as a Support, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Playmaking Supports:
Playmaking supports like Pyke and Nautilus are great for creating opportunities for your team. Their abilities allow them to catch enemies out of position and punish them. These supports are also good at roaming and can control map vision, helping your team in multiple areas of the map.

2. Play Around Your Jungler:
As a support, you can act as a second jungler by roaming and ganking with your own jungler. This creates a lethal force that can pick off enemies and secure objectives. By playing around your jungler, you can turn the game around for your struggling team.

3. Vision Wins Games:
Vision is crucial in League of Legends. It helps prevent ganks, denies enemy roaming, and allows you to set up plays. As a support, you should prioritize vision control by placing wards and using trinkets effectively. Vision gives you valuable information about the enemy’s location and plans, helping your team react accordingly.

4. Peeling For ADC:
One of the main goals of a support is to peel for your ADC (Attack Damage Carry). This means protecting them from harm by providing shields, crowd control, and tanking damage. By peeling for your ADC, you enable them to maximize their damage output and become a force to be reckoned with.

Who Are the Best Carry Supports in LoL?

There are two types of carry supports: damage carries and peel carries.

– Damage Carries:
Pyke and Swain are two of the best damage carry supports. Pyke excels at hooking enemies, punishing them, and executing low-health targets. Swain, on the other hand, provides burst and sustained damage, along with crowd control.

– Peel Carries:
Janna and Nami are both excellent peel carries. Janna offers movement speed, crowd control, and shielding abilities. Nami provides crowd control, healing, and offensive support to her team.

Final Thoughts:

Support may be considered the least useful role by some, but champions like Pyke, Swain, Janna, and Nami prove otherwise. With the right champion and strategy, you can carry your team to victory as a support player. Don’t underestimate the impact a support can have in the game.

What are your thoughts on carrying as a support? Do you have any other carry support champions in mind? Let us know in the comments below!