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Strange bug found by League of Legends players causes Ivern and Yorick ultimates to abruptly end

In a game of League of Legends, a player discovered a strange interaction between the champions Ivern and Yorick. It turns out that Ivern can make Yorick’s Maiden of the Mist disappear from the map.

In a clip posted to Reddit, an Ivern player attempted to troll their teammate by using Ivern’s passive ability on the blue-side Krug camp while the Yorick player was farming it. The Yorick player pleaded with their friend to stop, but the bug took effect and caused a disruption in the game.

Despite stealing the Krug camp, the Ivern player also took Yorick’s Maiden of the Mist. The Maiden and Yorick’s ghouls vanished, and Yorick’s ultimate ability was put on cooldown.

The bug prevented Yorick from fully utilizing his split-pushing potential when answering a minion wave in the bottom lane. Yorick is known for being an effective split-pusher, especially when accompanied by the Maiden.

It’s unclear what causes this bug, but it may be related to Yorick’s Maiden being coded as a minion/monster and Ivern’s passive instantly killing nearby minions and monsters. The Maiden was likely affected in the same way that the leftover Krugs were.

Yorick is a champion known for having numerous bugs. In fact, there is a 3,000-word document compiled by a Yorick player detailing all the bugs discovered by the community. This interaction between Ivern and Yorick may have existed for years without being noticed due to the rarity of these champions being played together.

The bug didn’t heavily impact the game’s outcome, as the players were able to win in the end. Yorick even led the team in overall damage dealt to champions.

League of Legends, Ivern, Yorick, bug, interaction, champions, gameplay