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Stixxay’s In-Game Camera Technique Draws Inspiration from WoW

CLG Stixxay uses unique key bindings in League of Legends

Trevor “Stixxay” Hayes, the marksman for CLG, has some unconventional key bindings in League of Legends, as highlighted in a recent article by Corsair.

Stixxay’s unique key bindings

Unlike most pro players, Stixxay uses the WASD keys for camera movement instead of the QWER keys. He also assigns his abilities to the 1, 2, 3, and 4 number keys.

This unusual choice of key bindings stems from Stixxay’s background in playing World of Warcraft. When he started playing League of Legends, he found it difficult to adjust to the QWER keybindings and moving the camera using the mouse at the top of the screen.

Adapting to preferred controls

After struggling with the default camera controls for just one game, Stixxay switched to his preferred WASD controls, which he was already used to from playing World of Warcraft. Additionally, he replaced the D key with R for Summoner Spells and T for the stop button, finding convenient keys that were within easy reach.

Don’t try this at home

While Stixxay’s unique key bindings may not seem too weird when watching him play, it’s important to note that he is a professional player. If you decide to try these key bindings yourself, be prepared for potential backlash from your teammates if your performance suffers.

Related keywords: CLG Stixxay, key bindings, League of Legends, unique controls, professional player, unconventional, camera movement