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Statistical Comparison of Play Styles at MSI: Exploring Irreconcilable Differences

Tactical Approaches at MSI: A Closer Look at Play Styles

When the top teams from different regions face off in the MSI, clashes are bound to happen due to varying play styles. Each League of Legends team approaches the game differently. Some teams focus on out-rotating opponents and taking down towers, while others aim to kill everything that moves. In this article, we will analyze the play styles of MSI participants and their objectives, resource distribution, and preference for controlled gameplay or aggressive fights. These statistics will give us a better understanding of what to expect when the regions clash in Tallahassee this weekend.

Data from Regional Playoffs

The statistics used in this article are based on each team’s regional playoffs, with the IWCI playoffs taken into account for Be?ikta? e-Sports Club. It’s important to note that these numbers do not indicate which teams are better or worse. They simply compare the style and approach of each team and their relative success in their own domestic regions.

Early Game Approaches

The early game can often determine the outcome of the entire match. Teams may either aim to build an early lead or play defensively until their late-game threats come into play. Three important early game factors that describe each team’s approach are the First Blood rate, First Dragon rate, and First Tower rate.

TSM stands out with a poor control of the First Dragon, but they excel at grabbing the first kill and first Tower. Their priority is pushing and taking down Towers, resulting in a strong gold lead and early advantage. On the other hand, SKT takes a different approach by prioritizing the First Dragon and having a slower pace in taking down Towers. Fnatic focuses on early objective control and aggressive gameplay, while AHQ secures early Dragons to set up for the mid game. Be?ikta? struggles in the early game, which could put them at a disadvantage against tougher international competition.

Fighting and Damage Output

The number of fights a team engages in can indicate their aggression. AHQ and Be?ikta? have the highest combined kills per minute, showing their bloodthirsty playstyle. Fnatic falls in the middle, while SKT and TSM engage in fewer fights. The efficiency of these fights is measured by the ratio of kills per minute compared to opponent kills per minute. AHQ and TSM have the highest ratios, indicating their success in fights. SKT, Fnatic, and Be?ikta? have lower ratios, suggesting less efficiency in fights.

Composition and Carry Priorities

Team composition and the distribution of damage among players are also important factors. TSM relies heavily on their mid laner, Bjergsen, for damage output, while Fnatic relies on their top laner and jungler, Huni and Reignover. SKT shows a varied approach depending on whether Easyhoon or Faker is playing. AHQ distributes damage evenly among their players, and Be?ikta? gets significant contributions from their top laner and jungler. EDG prioritizes their ADC, Deft, but their numbers are not available, making it difficult to assess their exact strategy.

Summary and Predictions

Each team’s playstyle will play a significant role in their overall performance at MSI. TSM will focus on early towers and mid-game team fights. Fnatic’s success will hinge on their aggressive early game. SKT’s success will depend on their dragon control and efficient early game. AHQ will aim to stay close in the early game and excel in the mid game team fights. Be?ikta? will need to improve their early game to have a chance against stronger opponents. EDG is expected to prioritize team fights and excel in the mid and late game.

It’s important to remember that statistics can be interpreted in many ways, and context is key. Feel free to share your own interpretations and analysis of these numbers. Follow for updated team and player statistics during the MSI event.