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Starting Strong: Evaluating Jungle Champion Impact within the Initial Fifteen Minutes

Evaluating Early Game Performance of Jungle Champions in League of Legends

The outcome of a League of Legends game can be determined in the first 15 minutes, with the team holding a gold lead at this point winning 74% of the time in various league playoffs. However, the importance of early-game strength for jungle champions has changed in recent metas.

Junglers used to focus on ganking, counter-ganking, and setting up tower dives in the early game. But now, early-game strength is no longer the defining characteristic of strong junglers.

Exploring Jungle Champion Performance in the Early Game

We will analyze the performance of different jungle champions in the first 15 minutes of games based on statistics from the 2015 Spring Split playoffs in the North American and European LCS.

Important Notes

It’s crucial to understand that these statistics reflect the actual usage of champions during the LCS playoffs and don’t necessarily indicate their inherent strength in different aspects of the early game. Champions can be played in various ways, especially as the meta evolves.

Here’s a breakdown of the jungle champion diversity in the NA and EU spring playoffs:

Lee Sin, Vi, and Jarvan IV were still prevalent picks, but the introduction of Cinderhulk saw the emergence of tankier champions like Sejuani, Gragas, and Rek’Sai. Shaco even made an appearance.

Among the champions played at least three times, Gragas was the most common pick, while Sejuani had the highest success rate. On the other hand, Nidalee went winless but was banned 11 times, and Rek’Sai only had a 35% win rate.

Ganking, diving, and skirmishing remain essential tactics for junglers, but certain champions fared better than others in these areas. Lee Sin and Vi stood out with impressive early kill and assist numbers, while Sejuani and Gragas had a more passive playstyle.

In terms of early-game farm advantages, Nidalee excelled with substantial leads in gold, XP, and CS at the 15-minute mark. Lee Sin and Udyr also performed well, albeit with slightly less advantage in one category. Surprisingly, Gragas and Nunu experienced farm disadvantages despite their kit’s farming potential.


Contrary to expectations, early combat effectiveness and farm advantages did not consistently lead to high win rates. Champions like Nidalee, Lee Sin, and Rek’Sai had low success rates despite their strong early-game performance. Meanwhile, Sejuani and Gragas showed higher win rates despite their less aggressive early playstyle.

Riot’s jungle changes in the 2015 season effectively shifted the focus away from early-game impact for jungle champions. The age of gank specialists has given way to mid-game team fighters.

What are your thoughts on these numbers? Is Nidalee truly weak in the early game? Do you have any memorable farming-related metaphors? Share your insights!

For more team and player statistics from NA and EU LCS and CS, LCK, and LMS, visit

Statistics, Charts, and Interpretation: Tim “Mag1c” Sevenhuysen
Title Graphics: Daniel “Exorant” Hume

League of Legends, esports, jungle champions, early game performance, statistics, LCS playoffs, ganking, farming