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Ssumday, Soligo, Aphromoo Set to Play for 100T Academy with Updates on LCS Starting Lineup Coming Tomorrow

100 Thieves Struggles in LCS: Ssumday and Aphromoo Face Demotion to Academy Team

The LCS franchise, 100 Thieves, initially pinned their hopes on star players Ssumday and Aphromoo to lead their League of Legends team. However, the duo has been struggling with mechanics and teamwork in LCS play. As a result, both players will be competing in tonight’s Academy match, alongside mid laner Soligo, who started in week one.

The exact implications of this shift in the team lineup for the upcoming week and future LCS games are not yet clear. It’s possible that the team is experimenting with different player combinations. Considering their last-place standing, this strategy seems wise.

However, it’s surprising to see players of Ssumday and Aphromoo’s caliber being moved around. Unfortunately, 100 Thieves has been struggling throughout the year, as even Soligo, Bang, and Anda failed to secure a win for the Academy team recently.

An update on this week’s LCS roster is expected from 100 Thieves. Given their current performance, it’s likely that the team’s roster will remain subject to change for the rest of the split.

100 Thieves, LCS, League of Legends, Ssumday, Aphromoo, Soligo, Academy team, player combinations, last-place, struggling, roster