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Splyce Secures Europe’s First Victory at Worlds 2019 Against Detonation FocusMe with an impressive performance

Splyce Dominates Detonation FocusMe at World 2019

Splyce emerged victorious against Detonation FocusMe in a dominant display at World 2019 today. This win marks the start of what could be a series of victories for the LEC representatives as they strive to advance to the knockout stage of the League of Legends tournament.

In their first match at Worlds, DFM attempted to surprise their opponents with a unique mid lane pick: Nocturne. However, Splyce quickly gained control of the side lanes, preventing DFM’s mid-laner, Ceros, from effectively utilizing his ultimate ability.

Splyce, known for their slower and more controlled playstyle, immediately took the lead over DFM. Xerxe secured two kills before the five-minute mark, and Splyce continued to dominate multiple lanes, establishing a significant advantage by the 18th minute. Kobbe stood out with an exceptional performance, leading both teams with 11 kills and no deaths.

DFM needed to slow down the pace of the game, but they persistently engaged in fights despite falling far behind. They must regroup and reconsider their team strategies before facing Isurus Gaming in their next match.

On the other hand, Splyce’s confidence is soaring after this impressive victory. This is a crucial win for a roster that includes four Worlds newcomers, providing them with a strong foundation for the remainder of the play-in stage.

Link to YouTube video: [YouTube Embed v5.3] [End of YouTube Embed code]

Splyce, Detonation FocusMe, World 2019, League of Legends, LEC representatives, knockout stage, mid lane pick, Nocturne, control playstyle, dominant display, play-in stage