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Splyce executes lane swap to even LEC semifinals with Fnatic

Splyce’s Successful Lane Swap Strategy in LEC Semifinals

Splyce, a prominent team in the European League of Legends scene, made a surprising move in the LEC semifinals. Despite facing a deficit after the first game, they decided to pull off a lane swap strategy. This strategy involved drafting a Tristana bot lane and rotating up to the top lane through the lane bushes. Fnatic’s top laner, Gabriël “Bwipo” Rau, was caught off guard by this unexpected maneuver.

Initially, it seemed like the swap didn’t give Splyce a significant advantage as Fnatic managed to secure a gold lead. Fnatic’s bot lane took advantage of the weaker bot lane turret, leading to the destruction of three turret plates compared to Splyce’s none. Turret plates were the key reason behind the success of the lane swap strategy.

However, Splyce’s bot laner, Kasper “Kobbe” Kobberup, managed to acquire what he needed. Along with securing a kill on Bwipo, he obtained a first item B.F. Sword while avoiding any unfavorable matchups against Fnatic’s Martin “Rekkles” Larsson. When Splyce regrouped and returned to the bot lane with three players, they completely turned the game around with a massive trade.

By the 19-minute mark, Tristana had already acquired three crit items, including Infinity Edge. By the 21-minute mark, Splyce secured a free Baron. However, after taking down Nashor, jungler Andrei “Xerxe” Dragomir made a questionable decision. He engaged the enemy Cho’Gath and ended up being wiped out by Fnatic using a Kayle ult.

When the second Baron spawned, Splyce approached the situation differently. Instead of making hasty decisions, they turned the tables on Fnatic. With Kobbe utilizing his four items effectively, they won the fight and maintained their lead. This victory allowed Splyce to withstand Fnatic’s fully-leveled Kayle and secure the win, bringing the series to an even score of one game each.

plain text related keywords: Splyce, European League of Legends, LEC semifinals, lane swap strategy, Tristana, Fnatic, Bwipo, Kobbe, Rekkles, Baron, Cho’Gath, Kayle, game.