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Sources: Santorin receives offer from TSM

Team SoloMid has offered Lucas “Santorin” Tao Kilmer Larsen a position to replace their previous jungler. This move comes after a series of tryouts, and Larsen has emerged as the front runner for the role. The offer is currently being considered by Larsen, who is weighing the opportunities. One potential obstacle could be his existing contract with Team Coast, as the details of the contract are not public. It is uncertain whether Team Coast wants one of their valuable assets to leave, especially since Larsen only recently joined the team. With no specific dates announced for the next split, it is unlikely that a deal will be rushed. Team Coast will be competing in the upcoming North American expansion tournament, and negotiations may continue after its conclusion.

Team SoloMid, Lucas “Santorin” Tao Kilmer Larsen, jungler, replacement, tryouts, contract, Team Coast, negotiation, North American expansion tournament.