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SKT’s Bang and C9’s Sneaky make a playful cosplay bet for All-Stars

SK Telecom T1’s ADC Bang Pledges to Cosplay with Cloud9’s ADC Sneaky at All-Star Event

SK Telecom T1’s ADC Bae “Bang” Jun-sik has made a promise to do a Xayah/Rakan cosplay with Cloud9’s ADC Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi if both players qualify for this year’s League of Legends All-Star event. The pledge was revealed by Bang during one of his streams, with the condition that Sneaky agrees to participate as well. Bang also hinted at the possibility of an IRL stream in Las Vegas where the event will take place, and even bringing legendary SKT coach Bae “Bengi” Seong-woong along.

This year’s All-Stars voting has undergone a change. Instead of five players per region, with one player for each role representing their region, only two players from each region will be able to participate regardless of position. This new rule has intensified the competition among players, resulting in some offering incentives to their fans in order to secure their votes.

Currently, SKT mid laner Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok is leading the LCK voting by a significant margin with over 35 percent of the total vote. Bang, on the other hand, is currently in second place but by a slim margin, with only 0.4 percent of the votes separating him from KT Rolster support Cho “Mata” Se-hyeong.

Source: InvenGlobal

SK Telecom T1, ADC, Bang, Cloud9, Sneaky, cosplay, League of Legends, All-Star event, voting, Xayah/Rakan, IRL stream, Las Vegas.