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SKT T1 Demonstrates the Dominance of ADC Ziggs

Ziggs Takes the Bot Lane By Storm in LCK

The recent match between SK Telecom T1 and Jin Air Green Wings in the 2017 Spring Split of the LCK unveiled a surprising pick for the bot lane. In the second game of the series, Jin Air opted for Jhin while SKT’s Bang decided to bring out Ziggs.

It all started with Danny “Shiphtur” Le, who popularized the Ziggs pick in competitive play. Inspired by this, SKT showcased the potential of Ziggs in their match against Jin Air. Now, we can expect to see Ziggs being played or banned more frequently in leagues worldwide.

Ziggs’ Impact on the Matchup

Some spectators might dismiss the impact of Ziggs’ presence due to the perceived gap in skill between SKT and Jin Air, or the favorable Ziggs-Zyra matchup against Jhin-Tahm Kench. However, the lane and tower pressure that Ziggs brings cannot be ignored.

After SKT’s performance with Ziggs, there are questions surrounding the validity of Ziggs’ strength in the current meta. It may also suggest that ADC players will start exploring off-meta champions to find answers to the ADC dilemma.

Share Your Thoughts on ADC Ziggs

What do you think about ADC Ziggs? Let us know in the comments or tweet us at @GAMURScom.

Written by Justin Binkowski, Managing Editor for GAMURS. Contact him via email at [email protected] or on Twitter at @JBinkk.

Photo credits: Riot Games, SKT

Ziggs, ADC, esports, LCK, SK Telecom T1, Jin Air Green Wings