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SK’s Selfmade responds to Werlyb’s remarks about his demotion to the academy squad

SK Gaming Drops Werlyb to its Academy Team: Tensions Arise

After SK Gaming made the decision to move Jorge “Werlyb” Casanovas Moreno-Torres to its academy team, Werlyb shared his experience and thoughts on his stream. However, his former teammate Oskar “Selfmade” Boderek had a different perspective on the situation.

Although Werlyb claimed to be fine with the decision itself, he expressed sadness regarding how his teammates treated him. According to him, the rest of the SK Gaming roster didn’t want to spend time with him and excluded him from social gatherings.

In response, Selfmade tweeted that the decision was solely based on wanting results and was not due to personal reasons. He also pointed out that Werlyb had the option to play in the academy league and was not forced to do so.

As a matter of fact, Selfmade revealed that he was never really close friends with Werlyb, even when the majority of SK Gaming’s roster played for MAD Lions E.C. The only players he spent time with were Nemesis and Crownie.

Selfmade directly addressed the angry Spanish fans, explaining that there were no personal issues involved and therefore no need for the team to defend Werlyb.

With tensions rising within the SK Gaming camp due to Werlyb’s comments, Sacre will be joining the team for the 2019 Summer Split, aiming to contribute to another playoff run for SK Gaming.

SK Gaming, Werlyb, Selfmade, academy team, teammates, tension, Spanish fans, 2019 Summer Split, playoff run.