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Skaarl Rescues Kled from a Grave Peril

League of Legends: The Unique Abilities of Kled and his Trusty Steed

In the world of League of Legends, there are 157 champions, each with their own unique abilities and skillsets. However, one champion stands out for its exceptional gameplay – Kled. What makes Kled truly special is his bond with his trusty steed and best friend, Skaarl. When Kled is riding Skaarl, his damage output increases. But when Kled’s health is low, Skaarl gets scared and runs away.

Players have the ability to mount Skaarl once they refill the courage bar by dealing more damage.

One of the advantages of Kled getting back on Skaarl is that he gains some of Skaarl’s health. This is a useful tool for survival, particularly in the top lane. In a video showcased by a player named KaBsiQ, Skaarl proves to be a hero in a critical moment.

At the start of the video, Kled is engaged in a fight with Urgot. Both champions exchange attacks until Urgot unleashes his ultimate ability, Fear Beyond Death (R), with the goal of securing the kill. Kled’s health is dangerously low, putting him at risk of certain death.

However, as soon as Kled is impaled by Urgot, his courage bar fills up and triggers Skaarl. In an instant, Skaarl boosts Kled’s health by 1,230 points, allowing him to survive.

Despite this, Urgot’s ultimate still connects, nearly killing Kled. But with the help of his Pocket Pistol (Q) and a few basic attacks, Kled manages to come out on top in the fight.

This video serves as a reminder to always keep an eye on Kled’s courage bar when playing against him. With Skaarl’s assistance, he can either burst you down or survive to tell the tale.

League of Legends, Kled, Skaarl, unique abilities, courage bar